Geological Exploration

Learn about geology and fossils as you explore the 390-million-year-old Devonian fossil beds. They come in a variety of shapes, patterns and sizes. Some 600 different types of Devonian fossils have been documented at the Falls – from as large as a bus to smaller than the tip of a pencil. When the river level is low, you can walk on an ancient coral-sponge “reef.” Under normal river conditions, you can explore fossil beds covered with shells, corals, and other fossils between cottonwoods and river maples. Numerous resources to help you learn about the fossil beds can be found here.

Interact with the Google 360 degree tour of the Falls of the Ohio State Park.

Curious about the fossil beds? Take a Virtual Tour!

GPS Hikes on Fossil Beds – New!

A partnership between Naturalist at Heart volunteers, the park and IUS

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